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Quo Vadis Vanguards are young men who are heeding God’s call to be spiritual first responders, learning to lead others into the fray, positioning themselves to be right hand men, bravely going where lesser men fear to tread, paving the way, setting the example, being role models, serving as men for others.


Throughout the year, Quo Vadis formation weekend camps are designed to teach these young men how to be Vanguards of hearts, minds, and souls.  Each month will focus on a theme designed to address the monthly liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.

#2 catholic WEEKEND family camp OUTS

This family camp out experience is unique as Santiago Retreat Center is close to the city, yet rustic and tucked away into the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains. Families will be treated to Catholic programming and Sunday mass.  Family Camp-out is a weekend of fun, prayer, the sacraments and focusing on the things that matter most. Equip your family to face whatever lies ahead with faith, courage, and authenticity!


#3 fiat girls camp weekends

FIAT girls enrichment weekends are designed to give young girls an adventure to be Fully Alive. Together they will play games, face challenges, sing songs, laugh, hike, pray, and make life-long friends. Campers will explore what it means to live their FIAT, saying Yes! “Be it done to me according to Thy word” through humility, purity, charity and the openness to obeying God’s plan. Join us and take a step closer to radically embracing the beauty and dignity of every woman through Mary and the sacraments. Each month will focus on a theme designed to address the monthly liturgical calendar and Saints of the Catholic Church.

#4  missionary discipleship program

In the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis reminds us of our duty as Missionary Disciples: to share Christ’s love with each person we encounter. Here at Santiago Retreat Center, we offer young people the opportunity to take up this call and step into our mission of evangelization through the newly  designed 15 month Missionary Disciple Program, which begins in June and extends until August of the following year. 


Missionary Disciples are available to help with local parish youth programs - contact us for details.

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#5 confirmation retreats

Retreats provide the opportunity for participants to build a strong community of trust while strengthening their own personal relationship with God through discernment and discovery. Situated on 500 acres of wilderness setting, Santiago Retreat Center offers the perfect natural setting to escape from worldly distractions in order to contemplate God's call in one's life.


To make sure your young Catholics are well-formed in the faith, Santiago Retreat Center offers our signature retreats to supplement ongoing formation programs.


Santiago Retreat Center is available to plan and staff your confirmation retreat - contact us to find out how we can help.

#6 marriage enrichment weekends

Providing the opportunity for couples to  fulfill their highest calling and greatest happiness in life, which is to get close to God and in turn, reach out to others in their own environments with God’s loving care and concern. It is a chance to step out of the daily life and have an authentic encounter with Jesus that can continue the renewal of the domestic church.


#7 shroud center of southern california

The Shroud Center of Southern California presents a fascinating exhibit detailing the science and research behind the debated relic known as the Shroud of Turin, which is a centuries old linen cloth bearing the image of a crucified man believed to be Jesus of Nazareth. The Shroud seems to have a great pastoral mission, causing many unexpected conversions, especially from among young people.

#8 monthly adoration

The retreat center hosts monthly events, hikes, mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Each Good Friday over 1500 people participate in a Stations of the Cross 1 mile hike to the top of the mountain. Also an annual Via Cruicis event is held.


#9 men on the mountain

Twice a year Catholic men of Southern California, the Companeros de Santiago, gather for a day of spiritual renewal up on the mountain. We also pray throughout the year through the intercession of St. Joseph to advance evangelization in the southland and to safeguard the pilgrim’s path to Santiago Retreat Center. 

#10 summer camps

The Retreat Center offers five summer camps for kids and families every summer helping play a role in evangelizing Catholic youth.

    •  Vacation Bible Camp is specifically designed to celebrate the richness of our One, True, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic faith and to lead kids closer to Christ. 

    •  Camp El Camino offers youth a space to encounter Christ and find fellow Christian pilgrims in our Christian journey toward God. 

    •  Blossom Girls Camp celebrates the Sacraments, reinforcing the beauty and dignity of every girl with unique formation themes, and getting to see and meet religious sisters from several different orders throughout the week.
    •  QUO VADIS boys camp is designed to offer a rigorous yet joyful week of journeying toward manhood with and for the glory of God and will engage the intellectual, moral, and physical virtues of our boys as they face a variety of challenges.
    •  Family Camp designed for  fun, prayer, the sacraments and focusing on the things that matter most. Equipping the family to face whatever lies ahead with faithful courage!

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